
New York Art Galaxy」にて
川瀬巴水・木版画展、展示即売会 が開催されます。
2023年11月2日(木)、11月6日(月)、11月7日(火) 10:00-17:00
日本橋本町プラザビルB1F 「New York Art Galaxy」
株式会社New York Art/TEL: 03-3663-7700 FAX: 03-3663-7703 Mail: info@newyork-art.com

川瀬 巴水 Kawase Hasui

(1883年~1957年) 1883年5月18日、巴水は東京(現在の港区新橋)にある糸組物職人の家の長男として生まれる。本名は文治郎。伯父に戯作者の仮名垣魯文がいる。 画家を志したのは14歳頃で、1年ほど四条派の絵師である青柳墨川の指導を受け、その後19歳で荒木寛友に学んだが、長男として家業に専念する為絵の修行を中断。 その後家業の責務から解放され、25歳の頃から本格的に画家の道へ進むが、憧れていた美人画家の鏑木清方への入門を断られ、葵橋洋画研究所に入学して岡田三郎助らから油絵を学ぶ。 27歳の頃に再度鏑木清方に入門を願い出て許され、「巴水」の画号を与えられる。 同門の画家、伊藤深水が描いた近江八景の木版画の連作に深い感銘を受けて木版画に興味を持ち、鏑木清方の様々な門下生の版画を手掛けていた版元の渡邊庄三郎と協力して1918年、35歳の時に塩原(巴水が幼少期に滞在した東京の北方に位置する山岳地帯)の風景版画3図を出版。その後も主に渡邊版画店から、他にも複数の版元からも作品を刊行し、生涯に手掛けた版画の作品数は約700点にのぼる。 1957年11月27日、胃ガンによって74歳で逝去。

沼辺 伸吉(Numabe Shinkichi)

1952年1月3日生まれ 宮城県出身
1976年 摺師 中條甲子雄氏に師事
1979年 版画家 吉田遠志氏の専属の摺師となり現在に至る
1995年 東京都都知事賞受賞
1998年 北区区民文化奨励賞受賞
2004年 東京都優秀技能者(東京マイスター)認定
2010年 経済産業大臣指定伝統工芸士
2014年 東京都伝統工芸士認定

沼辺 広伸(Numabe Hironobu)

2015年 アダチ版画研究所に摺師として入社
2020年 5年間の修行を経て独立


Title : Hasui Kawase Woodblock Print Exhibition. Artworks On Sale. Free admission.
Date:November 2nd,6th & 7th . Admission is free.
Venue:New York Art Galaxy
Hours : 10:00a.m.-5:00 p.m

2-6-1 Nihonbashi-Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
New York Art Galaxy”, Nihonbashi-Honcho Plaza B1F, 2-6-1 Nihonbashi-Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
New York Art Corporation/TEL: 03-3663-7700 FAX: 03-3663-7703 Mail: info@newyork-art.com
Please feel free to contact us by phone during our business hours (Monday through Friday, 10:00-17:00).

Kawase Hasui


Kawase Hasui was born on May 18, 1883 in Tokyo (present-day Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo), the eldest son of a family of kimono weavers. His real name was Bunjiro. His uncle was the caricaturist Kanagaki Rubun.
He aspired to become a painter at the age of 14, and studied under Aoyagi Sumikawa, a painter of the Shijo School, for about a year, and then studied under Araki Kanyu at the age of 19, but stopped his painting training to concentrate on the family business as the eldest son.
Later, at the age of 25, he was released from his responsibilities in the family business and began to pursue painting in earnest. However, he was rejected by Kaburaki Kiyokata, a beauty painter whom he had admired, and entered the Aoi-bashi Western painting school to study oil painting under Okada Sabrosuke and others.
At the age of 27, he again applied to Kaburaki Kiyokata and was accepted and given the painting name “Tomoe Sui”.
Deeply impressed by a series of woodblock prints of the Eight Views of Omi by fellow artist Shinsui Ito, he became interested in woodblock prints and published three landscape prints of Shiobara (a mountainous area north of Tokyo where Tomoe Sui stayed during his childhood) in 1918 at the age of 35 in cooperation with Shozaburo Watanabe, a publisher who had worked on prints by various students of Kaburaki Kiyokata. He continued to publish his works mainly through the Watanabe Print Shop, but also through several other publishers, and the number of prints he produced during his lifetime amounted to approximately 700.
He passed away on November 27, 1957, at the age of 74 from stomach cancer.


Numabe Mokuhan Limited Liability Company
Shinkichi Numabe

Born on January 3, 1952 in Miyagi Prefecture
1976 Studied under Koshio Nakajo, a printmaker
1979 Became an exclusive printer for printmaker Enshi Yoshida
1995 Awarded the Governor of Tokyo Award
1998 Awarded the Kita-ku Citizens’ Cultural Encouragement Prize
2004: Certified as a Tokyo Meister (Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Excellent Technician)
2010 Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Designated Traditional Craftsman
2014 Certified as Tokyo Metropolitan Traditional Craftsman

Hironobu Numabe
Born on October 24, 1991 in Tokyo
2015 Joined Adachi Printmaking Institute as a printer
2020: Became independent after 5 years of training
Establishes Numabe Mokuhan with his father, Nobukichi
